Our Services

Pest Control Services

Incorporated in the year 2017 in Coimbatore, "Pest66" has been recognized as a dependable service provider in the realm of all types of Pest Control Services, whether in the residential and commercial servicess .

Termite Control

Termite Damages: Outward signs of termite damage include buckling wood, swollen floors and ceilings, areas that appear to be suffering from slight water damage and visible mazes within walls or furniture. Termite infestations also can exude a scent similar to mildew or mold.

The best termite pest control service uses eco-friendly technologies to offer everyone a pest-free environment and a secure home at a fair price. Termites, often known as white ants, destroy expensive items, documents, furniture, paper, books, and even cash notes... anything that contains cellulose, silently and quickly, before you even notice the damage. Termites live underground and breed in the soil. They climb up through the smallest gaps and fissures in your building's foundation and walls.As they march forward, they dig mud channels to provide the darkness and higher humidity they need to survive. When you find such marks on your walls, it is an indication that termites have taken up residence in your home

Cockroaches Control

Cockroaches Damages: Because cockroaches eat a wide range of food, including rotting garbage, it is believed that they spread a number of diseases to humans including salmonella and gastroenteritis. Recent studies have indicated cockroaches can also cause allergies.

Cockroaches are the most prevalent insects found in our homes, offices, hotel and restaurants. We provide cockroach control services. These can be created to order and tailored to the client's demands. Our services are subjected to various levels of quality control to ensure that they meet international standards. Cockroaches are among the most difficult pests to eradicate; they have extraordinary survival strategies, including the ability to exist for a week without their head. Pest66 offers the best Cockroach Control Services based on its gel formulation, which has been tried and tested by specialists and is one of the best cockroach control treatments. This gel contains a smell that entices these intruders and makes them want to consume this dangerous poison. It eliminates the target insects with a single feeding. Leaving your home free of roaches.

Bird Control

Bird Damages: Birds nesting in properties causes serious damage. Pest birds nest on roofs, choosing to build their nest in sheltered areas. Some of the more common areas include; the guttering, the eaves, the top of the downpipe and even chimneys. Nests in these areas can cause blockages to the drainage and ventilation systems

Bird control is all about recognizing the species and keeping them away from breeding areas. Our team provides customized programs based on the infestation grade of each property. We are the top solution provider for Bird Control and Pigeon Control in Coimbatore. Our team of skilled bird deterrent and control professionals has extensive experience dealing with these challenges, and we have a variety of techniques to control them. We have a variety of bird control solutions, such as bird spikes and bird netting, that are specifically developed to address bird control issues. Pest 66 offers a wide range of bird and pigeon control solutions, such as bird and pigeon netting, bird and pigeon spikes, and more. Ignoring bird control procedures such as bird netting and other bird proofing methods can be costly and may result in Bird Control.

Mosquitoes Control

Mosquito Damages: Mosquito-borne diseases are those spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. Diseases that are spread to people by mosquitoes include Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus, dengue, and malaria. Employers should protect workers and workers should protect themselves from diseases spread by mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are a common pest problem in every house/office around the cities. More than 3,500 species of mosquitoes are found in Anopheles, Aedes, culex is commonly found everywhere around the world. The mosquito control treatment begins with inspection and identifying the cause of the problem. By identifying the cause of the problem effectively we are able to produce 100% results. In mosquito control treatment the first process is to find out the water source and eliminate them. It can be easily done by anyone but to make sure as a professional we will use the chemical product to eliminate them. You can be a family, a corporate firm, a group of companies, or a manufacturing unit. When you are looking for the best residential pest control services and commercial pest control services in and around Coimbatore or Tamilnadu, you will find that Pest66 pest control services are top-ranked and in the prime position in the entire industry.

Flies Control

Flies Damages: House flies are strongly suspected of transmitting at least 65 diseases to humans, including typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, poliomyelitis, yaws, anthrax, tularemia, leprosy, and tuberculosis. Flies regurgitate and excrete wherever they come to rest and thereby mechanically transmit disease organisms.

We provide the most effective fly control services in the commercial sector. Our services include the treatment and control of many types of insects, such as house flies, blow flies, fruit flies, drain flies, and others.

Blow Flies
Blow flies lay their eggs inside the bodies of deceased animals. They are known as "bottle flies" because their bright blue and green color resemble coloured glass bottles. The presence of a large number of these flies indoors usually signals the presence of a dead animal, such as a mouse or bird, inside the structure.
House Fly
The common housefly is a 14-inch-long dull gray fly with four dark stripes on the center region (thorax) of its body. House flies lay their eggs on animal feces and rubbish.
Flesh Flies
Flesh flies mainly look for carrion or scraps of flesh to lay their eggs on. Adult flesh flies, like house flies, are dark in color (gray or black). The thorax of most species has three dark stripes. They feature a checkerboard pattern on their abdomen and are slightly larger than houseflies.
Fruit Flies
Fruit flies are drawn to sweet or fermented liquids such as liquor, syrup, soda pop, and vinegar, as well as ripening/rotting fruit. Females lay eggs in and around these materials, which their larvae consume. The adults are gnat-sized and have tan bodies and red eyes.
Drain Flies
Drain flies are around 1/8-inch long, and adult drain flies are slightly larger than other tiny flies. Their hairy, broad wings have given rise to a new name: moth fly. They're also known as sewer flies since they live in raw sewage. Adult drain flies are frequently observed sitting on bathroom walls.

Rodent Control

Rat Damages: Rodent destruction can include: Chewed electrical wiring causing potential house fires. Torn insulation in walls and ceilings to make nests. House foundation undermined through burrowing.

Rat Control treatment necessitates regular maintenance, which will be planned in accordance with the needs of the premises. A rodent is a type of large rat that breeds in unclean areas where stuff is not stored properly. Rodents attempt to ruin several types of items. Our rodent control services take care to successfully control all types of destructive rodents.

Bed Bugs Control

Bed Bugs Damages: Bed bugs are one of the few house pests that do-little harm at home: They don't destroy structures, they don't transfer deadly diseases, and they're small enough to not be noticed by anyone in the house. Bed bug bites can be very itchy, leading to the strong urge to scratch it until the itch goes away.

We use Quality Chemicals in our bed bug product (Bug-Rid) spray, which gives our consumers greater results and, most importantly, is completely safe for humans, pets, and the environment. Bed bugs are parasitic insects of the Cimicidae family that only eat blood. Bed bugs prefer to hide in cracks and crevices during the day and emerge at night to feed on the blood of the host, generally while the host is asleep. Typically, the pest control technician will offer you precise advice on how to prepare for an inspection or treatment.

Ant Control

Ant Damages: Ants are a major cause of home damage, especially when they're nesting inside your home without your knowledge. The ants will chew through electrical wires, insulation, and even drywall. They can even eat through your kitchen cabinets.

Ants are social insects in the order Hymenoptera that belong to the family Formicidae. Their elbowed antennae and characteristic node-like structure that forms a narrow waist help to identify them. Ants are extremely small insects that live in colonies. We can get rid of ants in a variety of ways. Our team employs all available strategies to keep pests at bay in a given setting while causing no harm to humans or the environment. Spraying a repellent spray as part of our treatment approach can yield the finest results. This type of ant is recognized as one of the hardest insects to get rid of in the home. If you detect ants in your home, you must move quickly and efficiently to get rid of them as soon as possible because they are quite deadly.

Spider Control

Spider Damages: Serious injuries from spider bites can include severe wounds caused by the tissue-destroying venom of brown spiders and bodywide poisoning caused by the nerve-toxic venom of widow spiders. Wounds suspected of being caused by the brown spider are often caused by other problems, some potentially more serious.

Are you looking for professional spider control and removal services? Pest66 offers skilled spider control services to effectively remove spiders from your site or location. We provide environmentally safe pest remedies for all types of harmful spiders. There are 35,000 spider species worldwide. Many spider species are home pests. All spiders are predators that mostly feed on insects and other small arthropods. Their bodies are separated into two regions: the cephalothorax and the abdomen. There are four pairs of legs. The antenna is missing. Spiders are predators that use venom to paralyze or kill their prey. They usually eat by injecting pre digestive fluid into their prey's body and then sucking in the digested liquid food. Spiders can go for several weeks to four months without eating. Most spiders are nocturnal, meaning they are active at night, and will scummy away if disturbed, unless they are nursing the egg sacs of young spiders during the day. They normally stay concealed and inactive in cracks, crevices, webs, etc.

Honey Bees, Wasps, And Hornets Control

Honey Bee Damages: The adult bee, however, is only damaged if the infestation is severe. The condition of a honeybee colony being infested with Varroa mites is called varroasis. If more than one parasitic female mite infests the brood cell the brood decays or deformations occur including shortened abdomen or deformed wings.

Honey bees can nest inside structures, such as outside walls, window frames, or roof eaves, and build a honeycomb nest that will need to be removed after the colony is eradicated. If not, the comb will quickly attract other bees which will inhabit the vacated comb either because they want to raid the honey or else are already looking for a nesting site. Honey bees may be beneficial insects but when they are found in residential and office complexes they pose a threat to the people. Honeycomb removal is more of a technical and skill oriented process, particularly at high roofs and elevated structures. It needs trained bee handlers to remove the comb without getting stinged by the bee. We offer the best and safe technology to remove honey combs in all places without damage to the property and harm to the people.